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Model - Liposuction

Although it's been around for decades, liposuction is experiencing somewhat of a resurgence in popularity. Today, new techniques are constantly being developed to make the procedure safer, more comfortable, and more effective than ever. Liposuction in Nashville, TN with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian P. Tierney can help sculpt away your most stubborn fat, revealing the beautiful contours you've always wanted.

If you live in or around Nashville and liposuction is something you're considering, request a consultation online with Dr. Tierney. Or call our office at (615) 320-8585 to schedule an appointment.

New liposuction techniques are constantly being developed to make the procedure safer, more comfortable, and more effective than ever.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes unwanted fat deposits from specific areas of the body. Dr. Tierney offers traditional tumescent liposuction as well as ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) at his practice.

Dr. Tierney emphasizes that liposuction is not a suitable option for significant weight loss. Instead, the best liposuction patients are people who are no more than 20 pounds overweight and are able to maintain their weight long-term. Liposuction is meant to reduce localized pockets of fat rather than reduce allover body fat. This versatile procedure can be performed on several areas of the body, including:

In patients with excess, sagging skin, liposuction may not be the best option. In order to address sagging tissues, Dr. Tierney typically performs a tummy tuck, a thigh lift, or a body lift.

Your Liposuction

Depending on the extent of the procedure, liposuction may be performed while you are under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. In either case, liposuction is an outpatient procedure, which means you'll be able to return home the same day.

Once you are fully anesthetized, Dr. Tierney infuses the area with a tumescent solution to aid in fat removal. This contains saline, anesthetic and ingredients which minimize bruising and bleeding. He then makes a series of small incisions around the targeted area for the insertion of a thin tube called a cannula, which is an instrument that's used to break apart fat and suction it out of the body.

In ultrasound-assisted liposuction, ultrasound energy is transmitted through the cannula to loosen and liquefy fat, making it easier to remove and resulting in less trauma to the surrounding tissues.

Real Patient Photos

See the beautiful results Dr. Tierney can create for you with our gallery of real patient before-and-after photos.

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Liposuction Recovery & Results

The recuperation period following liposuction can vary depending on which part of the body was involved. Dr. Tierney's patients typically observe 1 or 2 days of limited mobility, with the treatment area elevated if possible. Swelling and soreness are likely, and liposuction patients are prescribed pain medication to help them feel more comfortable.

Most patients are given a compression garment to help minimize swelling and promote stable healing. Walking and other light activities are encouraged soon after surgery to reduce the risk of blood clots, but it's important for patients to avoid overexerting themselves during this time.

Over time, the incisions will fade to barely noticeable scars, and you'll see your new contours begin to appear. Liposuction results should be long-lasting in patients who maintain a stable weight after surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a good candidate for liposuction?

Patients who are already in generally good health and whose skin retains most of its elasticity are usually ideal candidates for liposuction. Having firm, elastic skin is important because when pockets of fat are removed, the skin should "bounce back," adapting to the new contours of the body or face. Skin that's too lax will appear to sag after liposuction. Good candidates are also close to their ideal weight but struggling with specific areas of stubborn fat. Liposuction is also commonly combined with a tummy tuck and cosmetic breast surgery as part of a mommy makeover.

What are the advantages of ultrasound-assisted liposuction?

Both traditional liposuction and UAL begin with the injection of tumescent fluid - a mixture of anesthetic, saltwater solution, and epinephrine - into the treatment area. Ultrasonic waves transmitted using a cannula liquefy fat cells, which are then vacuumed out. The benefits include:

These advantages make UAL a better choice for some areas, but tumescent liposuction is also often recommended. Each patient's needs are different. You can discuss the best choice for you with Dr. Tierney at your private consultation.

Is liposuction the best choice for minimizing fat in the neck?

Liposuction's versatility includes being an effective treatment for removing excess fat from the neck and chin. However, not all patients may need or desire the surgical procedure. Dr. Tierney is one of the few plastic surgeons in the area to offer ThermiRF™, a minimally invasive way to reduce fat and tighten skin, that's especially effective in small areas such as the neck.

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